I got a message on YouTube, entitled “Enquiry from the BBC”:
“Matt here from BBC Look East. Can we use your pictures of the Cottenham field fire for a piece we’re doing tonight on the field fires which hit the region over July? If so, could you call me on 555 953 852?”
So I rang him, he explained that the piece would be on that evening, concentrating on the financial effects on farmers and insurers, and they wanted some background shots of the fires. Could they use my video if they gave me credit?
Of course I gave permission, but I fully expected the item to be dropped if a cat got stuck up a tree or something. But they ran it – and they used my video for the local trail during the 6 o’clock news, at the head of the programme and in the article itself with the voice over announcing “these pictures taken by Derek Law in Cottenham”.
Fame, if not fortune. Still, colour me chuffed.